"It turns out my normal lifestyle is social distancing..."

I’m actually warming up to social media these past few tumultuous days. The tone is a little warmer on my feeds. I guess we’re all trying to comfort each other.

One meme that keeps coming up in various forms is the “it turns out my normal lifestyle is social distancing” one. I first scoffed at this, but then realized that my life has been so busy and hectic as of late that it’s true for me, despite my fancying myself a social person.

Especially in this city, we all feel the pressure to grind so hard that things like friends often get squeezed out. We’re just looking to make it through this week to et to the next week to hopefully get to the point where we don’t feel like we’re drowning so that we can finally slow down. It’s a brutal pace for human life.

So perhaps, one silver lining of this tragic situation is that we can all be reminded of how important we are to each other and how we can’t put off enjoying one another’s company forever.

Perhaps being deprived of the ability to be with one another will remind us all of how precious it is, and how interdependent we all truly are.